Video Contents


Shorts Automation

QFP removal via high-temp. gas (ambient) reflow: IPC-7721 3.7.7 compliant rework procedure.

Shorts Automation

Soldering Process by soldering Robot

Shorts Automation

Laser Soldering System Integration : Parts automatically inserting and soldering

Shorts Automation

Soldering Robot with Cobot for cell production line

Shorts Automation

Laser Soldering : conveyor system for full automation line

Shorts Automation

Laser Soldering Multi spot size

Shorts Automation

Vertical Multi-joint Soldering Robot : Automotive Inverter

Shorts Automation

Ring Laser Soldering : Through hole

Shorts Automation

Flexible Motion Soldering Robot

Shorts Automation

Soldering Automation: High Speed Scara Robot

Shorts Handsoldering

What is the flux effect?

Shorts Automation

Soldering Tester : Auto-offset Heater Temperature

Shorts Handsoldering

Gull-wing Soldering: IPC-7721 5.5.2_5.5.3 rework compliant (spot soldering & continuous method).

Shorts Handsoldering

Short Removal between Gull-Wings: Compliant with IPC-7711_21 6.1.3 Rework

Shorts Handsoldering

Soldering of Chip Components: Solder Paste Method (0402 Chip Components): IPC-7711 5.3.1 Rework

Shorts Handsoldering

Removal of Chip Components: Tweezers Method (0402 Chip Components): IPC-7711 3.3.2 Rework #soldering

Shorts Handsoldering

Chip Component Removal: Hot Air Method (0402 Chip Components): Compliant with IPC-7711 3.3.3 Rework

Shorts Handsoldering

Chip Component Attachment: Point Soldering Method (0402 Chip Components): IPC-7711 5.3.2 Rework

Shorts Automation

Laser Soldering : Desktop Robot with Conveyor System

Shorts Handsoldering

The Efficient Heating Technique