A warning to Japan Unix’s valuable customers to beware of counterfeit/poor quality goods.
A warning to Japan Unix’s valuable customers to beware of counterfeit/poor quality goods.
We sincerely thank you for supporting Japan Unix products.
We have confirmed that poor quality counterfeits which resemble our products (soldering iron tips for both automatic machines, and hand tools) have recently been appearing on the market in China, South Korea and Taiwan.
Since our logo has been used without permission on these poor quality goods and they can be difficult to distinguish from our products, in terms of appearance. Some customers have been misled and suffered damages. We have also discovered cases of unauthorized use of images from sources such as our catalog and website.
We have received reports of cases where counterfeit soldering iron tips were used and very quickly became unusable, where they caused serious damage to the machine they were used with, where the soldering board was damaged, and more.
Please be advised that we do not take any responsibility and support for malfunctions, accidents or breakdowns caused by the use of counterfeit goods, regardless of whether they occur during the term of a warranty.
Although we are working to further strengthen our monitoring of counterfeit manufacturers and to take firm measures against trademark infringement in order to eradicate this problem, we recommend that customers take sufficient precautions to avoid counterfeit goods and make purchases either directly from us or from local legitimate sales partners.
Our soldering iron tips are a key component which have a strong effect on the quality of your soldering.
We do not authorize any online sales of Japan Unix soldering iron tips except for those which are announced on this website.
In addition, we are not undertaking any joint product development with local subsidiaries in other countries. If we undertake any joint development in the future, we will issue an announcement through our website or other means.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

The copy has insufficient plating, causing parts of it to peel off.
The sloppy finishing has left protuberances on the tip, which may cause damage to boards it is used on.

The copy appears similar, but a cavity caused by inadequacy of the copper part and iron plating is visible when viewed by x-ray.
(On the left image of right photo: The white line of the x-ray)
The improper plating processing can cause problems such as a short lifespan and insufficient heat transfer.